My programming skills have greatly improved in the following ways:
When starting assignments I can quickly think about what I need to do and start to evaluate different ways I can achieve my goals. I feel more comfortable in vs code, I can read through my code and identify if things are in the correct or incorrect place and can problem solve quicker. I feel better about my code, I’ve started to identify my style of coding and have adapted to programming my style making it easier to read and write code.
I need to work on the following to improve my programming skills:
I would like to get a bit more comfortable in css, where I can move things around and arrange them how I want. Rigt now I feel like I know the basics which is fine but overtime I want to be able to do more styles and different layouts. I can also improve on understanding how to dynamically share data between webpages, I use the query string method and feel that I can improve, I’m sure Assignment 2 will push me to understand this better.
I have learned a lot from doing WODs and I can do them without copying the screencast:
The WODs have taught me a lot of strategies to implement in the Assignments, I’m thankful for the screencasts because I am a visual learner but the time I spend on the WODs without the screencast help build the skills needed to complete them. After completing a WOD I always do them one or two more times to get a full understanding of the steps and how to get the result I am hoping for.
The labs help me learn and I am able to complete them with confidence:
Yes, the labs help a ton. Learning the methods in labs and implementing them into the Assignments is the best way to use the same strategies in different ways. By using these strategies in the Assignments I feel that it helps me build these skills and feel more confident when working on my own. I have had troubles with a few labs but between watching the screencast and doing my own research I get a good understanding of what the lab focuses on and how important the topics are.
I learned a lot from my experience doing Assignment 1 and feel ready to work on Assignment 2:
I agree, I spent a lot of time on the first Assignment because I was nervous I wouldn’t know what to do in time. By spending more time on it than I expected, it helped me feel more confident with the past labs and I was able to complete Assignment 1 on time. After being introduced to Assignment 2 I started to strategize how it could be done and thought of the best way for myself to make it happen. Once I had the strategy in mind I immediately got it started and feel like I am more comfortable with getting creative.
I think the class can be improved to help my learning in the following ways:
Between the WODs and the Labs, the class is structured well. The labs provide solid strategies that can be implemented into other assignments and the WODs help with putting the pieces together as well. I think the class is structured well, it does require more time doing your own research outside of class which is okay. Once you feel like you can grasp what the class is offering then you can start doing your own research to solidify your understanding.
What helps me the most in class are (WODs, Labs, class website, screencasts, readings, quizzes, one on one help, working with classmates, etc.):
The WODs, Labs, the MIS portfolios website, readings, and one on one help me the best. By doing the Labs and WODs I can see how the strategies are used, but by only seeing one example I have to do my own research to see how the strategies are used in other ways. When I do the Lab that is my first time seeing how to use the strategy, then I can grasp it by completing the lab, and fully utilize it when I am doing the WODs or the Assignment. The best for me is to see multiple examples on the MIS portfolios then identify how I’d like to do it. By seeing multiple examples I am able to understand this different ways the code can be written.